Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes... David Bowie

Life has a way of changing all the time.

If we want it to or not, it just does.

My little family is going through some right now.

HUGE is an understatement.

Divorce is an ugly thing.

I will change the blog to another site,

with a new name.

And privatize it.

I will keep you posted.


Carrot Jello said...

Invite please!

Doug and Liz said...

I hope everything works out. I would love an invite. lizard1500@gmail.com

just a widow trying to figure out the new norm said...

please send me an invite to cheathamfamily1@aol.com. but tell me on facebook when you do it, because I rarely go to that email!!!! Hang in there girl! You are amazing!!!

Kristi said...

Please invite me too and call me sometime!

The Capson's said...

I would love an invite, only if you are comfortable with it. Keep checking on my blog, as I have deactivated my FB account for a while. I had some scary stalker from High school sending me messages. YIKES! So for now, the blog is what I'll be posting to and adding photos to. Love you guys!

Brad's gaggle of girls said...

So the new blog is Pala-solo.blogspot.com. I haven't privatized (is that even a word)it yet. I will decide if I need to. If you want to send me your email I will keep it and add you all when I do...

hcg diet said...

I know how to setup a blog let me know if you need some help here is my blog http://hcgforu.com/ and http://giterdonedave.com
