Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oasis in Rose Park

Well we have made our home the "Oasis of Rose Park" for over a year and a half now.
The Oasis, lovingly named by our landlord, will be vacant soon.
It is a cute little home, little being the operative word.
We are buying a home again in Bountiful.
Apparently when we moved into the area we were called the "Bountiful snobs", so we are going back and living up to our name.
Merry Christmas to us!


Kathy Burton said...

I don't remember ever thinking of you guys as "Bountiful snobs" but then I'm probably not the best pulse of the ward. I tend to march to my own drum and not even notice the weird stares... If anyone was "Rose Park trash" enough to really think that, then you proved them wrong! We love you and will miss you, your energy and your presence!!

Brad's gaggle of girls said...

Kathy, you are a doll! Thanks!

Jen Billings said...

Lisa, I'm so excited you will be back this direction. We're still living in the same house as before you left, and wish you could move back into the ward, but I'm excited you've found a home in Bountiful! I'm just excited you found a house, that will be so exciting! Congratulations!!

dave, catie, and baby b. said...

that's so exciting.
i'm so happy
for you and your fam.

merry merry christmas.

catie p.
